Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Visit to The Rachael Ray Show!!

Hello All!

So this blog has nothing to do with a recipe that I've cooked, but rather my recent visit to see the inspiration behind this blog, Rachael Ray. 

So my friends who read this blog are all aware that my birthday is September 11th. This year was the big 3-0 for me so I wanted to do it big. I had already planned to go to dinner at Butter Midtown (Chef Alex Guarnaschelli's restaurant...AMAZING btw, if you are ever in NYC you should definitely go!) as well as tickets to see Idina Menzel in  If/Then on broadway (Again, if you are in NYC, you should DEFINITELY see this musical). About a month before my birthday, I got an email telling me tickets were available for The Rachael Ray Show on September 10th, the day before my birthday. I took this as a sign that I was meant to go and accepted the tickets. 

So on September 10th, I go to the show and luckily I got there early enough to get admitted for the taping. Once we got into the studio, Rachael comes out and thanks us for coming, but tells us she has some bad news. The guest who was supposed to be on the show that day had a conflict and would not be there and that they only had 5 out of 7 segments to film for us. She then gave us the good news that she was vouchering the entire audience to come back for a guaranteed seat for a taping the next week! Needless to say, I was perfectly ok that the guest wasn't there because I was gonna get to see the show twice in one week! 

So this past Tuesday I went back to the show and was able to see a whole taping and I have to say I had more fun than I have had in a long time. It was such a joy and a privilege to see someone whom I look up to so much be exactly what I imagined them to be. Rachael was funny and sweet and just a joy to watch. The best part was that I got to watch her cook not once, but TWICE!! During the breaks between takes the audience warm up guy would be joking and cutting up with the audience, but I couldn't tell you a single joke because I was completely engrossed in what Rachael was doing in the kitchen. It was such a fun experience that I can't wait to have again. However, one day I am going to be on that show, not as an audience member, but as a guest and I'm gonna cook with Rachael in that kitchen, and I'll be able to cross the number 1 thing on my bucket list, off the list :) 

For this season of The Rachael Ray Show, because it's the 9th season, they are doing a charity project called the 9 Million Meals challenge. The goal is to raise enough money and collect enough food to deliver 9 Million Meals to the hungry. One of the many things I love about Rachael is her giving heart and her desire to give back to those less fortunate. This drive is pretty awesome and one that I'm happy to support. Below is the link to The Rachael Ray Show website where you can donate money to the 9 Million Meals challenge. You don't have to donate a lot. $1.00 = 10 meals!! I'm pretty sure we can all spare at least a $1.00. If you are going to NYC, I'd encourage you to try to get tickets to the show and if you do, be sure to bring canned goods with you to donate. Even if you don't get tickets, take canned goods down there anyway!! Every little bit helps. 

Again, this was such a wonderful experience for me and it definitely made my 30th birthday the best one yet! Look for a new food blog coming soon!! And remember, donate to the 9 Million Meals challenge below! Until next time...