Friday, December 24, 2010

Meeting RACHAEL!!!

So this one isn't food related, but, had to post a blog to let you guys know that I actually got the pleasure of meeting the inspiration behind this blog, RACHAEL RAY!! What you see on tv is what you get in person. She was sweet, bubbly and personable and even more beautiful in person than she is on TV. She definitely exceeded my expectations and was a joy to meet!!. Here are pics from that night! Thanks Rachael for an awesome experience!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mole...Pronounced Mo-lay

Hey guys!! So, my apologies for not posting this the other night. I was just too sleepy to do it so sorry that I inadvertently lied to you all and didn't actually post two blogs in one night. But, here is the second one. This one is a great one for a cold night or maybe even a game day party! Here is Rachael's "Mole Chile" with "Baked Fresh Chili Fries" and "Ranch Dipper".

First up is the dipper. Like the buffalo sauce from the last blog, you can make this first and let it sit. The longer it sits, the better it gets! All you have to do is chop your fresh herbs, combine them with the buttermilk, sour cream and hot sauce and you are good to go. Makes a great dipping sauce that you could use for lots of different snacks too!!!

Next up, the chili fries. Now, like most of you, i assumed these were gonna be fries covered with chili, but no. These are actually chili peppers that are sliced and then baked!! First, slice up your jalapenos and poblanos. Make a breading station of the flour, milk mixture, and bread crumb mixture. Coat the peppers in the flour, then milk mixture, then bread crumb mixture!! Place on a baking sheet and then place in the oven until done. Now, I put these on just a baking sheet, and forgot to turn them, so they didn't get crispy enough and were soggy on the bottom. One way to combat this is to actually remember to turn them lol. What I will probably do next time I make these is to put them on a cooling rack and then on my baking sheet just like I would to make bacon in the oven. This way, the heat wraps all around the peppers and they cook evenly on both sides because lets face it, I'm gonna forget to turn them again :) Once they are done, take them out and serve with the ranch dipper!

Lastly is the Mole Chili. This one is really good. Very smoky flavored and it's so good! First up add in your Ancho chilis to a pot and add in your entire quart of beef stock. Rachael Tip: To seed your anchos, if they are really dried out, just cut off the ends and pour out the seeds. If they are still a little pliable, use a pairing knife to cut off the end and then split the pepper open down the side and scrape out the seeds. Heat these up to a boil an then simmer for 10 minutes so the chilis can reconstitute. I've heard Rachael describe these as "spicy raisins", which is how Bobby Flay describes them, and when i opened the bag, they actually smelled like raisins! Then, heat your oil in a skillet. This one calls for vegetable oil. I actually didn't have any but I had some safflower oil. It's a high heat oil like vegetable oil so it works fine. But, when it runs out, I will be switching back to vegetable oil. From taking my nutrition course this semester, it actually has the lowest levels of bad cholesterol than any other oil. EVOO is a great substitute because of the antioxidants in it and they are both nice fats to use to lower LDL's which helps reduce the risk of heart disease. So , there is your health lesson for the day!! Back to the chili. So, heat the oil and then add the bacon. Once it is crisp, add in the ground sirloin and raise the heat up to high and let the meat go for about 7 - 8 minutes. Once it's browned well add in the veggies and let them go for another 5 - 6 minutes. At this point, add your anchos and stock to the food processor and pulse until the anchos are broken down! My food processor overflowed when I did this so if yours is a little small you may wanna add some of the stock and leave some in the pot so it doesn't overflow. Add your tomato paste to the meat mixture and cook for a minute then add in the ancho stock, the tomatoes and spices. One of the ingredients that may seem a little odd in this one is the unsweetened cocoa powder! Sounds crazy but the flavor in this chili is fantastic so don't leave it out! Let it simmer to combine all the flavors for a few minutes and it's ready to serve. The recipe calls for white extra sharp cheddar, raw purple onion and chopped pickled vegetables to go on top. All we used was the cheese so on the toppings go with what you like!!

This one is definitely a great alternative to  a traditional chili with beans. Dawn doesn't really like chili because of the beans but this one, she enjoyed. Hope you guys enjoy it as well. Have a great one and until next time, Happy Cooking!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Manwich Smanwich!!

Hello everybody!! So here is the first of two blogs I'm posting tonight! This one takes on two classic American dishes, Sloppy Joes and Buffalo Chicken Wings, and combines them into one awesome dish, "Sloppy Buffalo Joes". The side dish takes on a gameday pub favorite, fried potato skins and makes them into "Mashed Potato Skins"! So first up, lets make the sauce!!

Now making the sauce is pretty simple. All you do is combine all the ingredients in a bowl and it's done. It's a good idea to mix it up early on so that is can just sit and the flavors can combine. The longer it sits, the better it gets!!

Next up lets get the potatoes started. So for this one you use a couple pounds of baby yukon gold potatoes. I have a hard time finding these around Birmingham so what i use is the green giant small yellow potatoes. They come in 1 lb bags so just get two bags and you're good! Quarter the potatoes and put them in a pot. Add just enough water to cover them and then heat them to a boil. Rachael Tip: Put the lid on the pot to bring it up to a boil, but when they do, take the lid off. Otherwise, the starches in the potatoes will cause the water to overflow! Arrange your bacon on a baking sheet sitting on a cookie sheet and place in the oven and back 12-15 minutes. Remove it, chop it and set it to the side!

While the potatoes are boiling, you can start to work on the sloppy joes! Heat the oil over medium-high heat and then add in the ground chicken. Break the chicken up and let it cook for 5 - 6 minutes. Rachael Tip: Use a wooden spoon or wooden kitchen paddle to break the meat up. They work great! You could use a potato masher, but, ground chicken is a little more wet than ground beef so it might prove a lil tricky. This is a "Ryan tip", lol, but you could also use this nifty tool from pampered chef if you know anyone that sells it. It's made specifically for breaking up meat. It is a star shaped tool and it works great. When I lived with my aunt in Tuscaloosa after moving there for work in 2008, she had one and it works great!! But anyway, back to the meal at hand. After the chicken has browned for  a few minutes, add in your carrot, celery, onion and garlic, season with salt and pepper and let it go for 7-8 minutes. Anytime you order wings out, you usually get some celery and carrot sticks to go along with it. That's what the celery and carrots are here for! While the veggies sweat out, toast your hamburger buns. Once the vegetables sweat out, add in your sauce and let it simmer for a few minutes. Pile your buffalo joes onto the buns and top them with the blue cheese crumbles and a couple slices of dill pickle. After making these, you will never make manwich again!

To finish off your potatoes, drain them and put them back into the hot pot. Add in the buttermilk, salt and pepper and mash them to your desired consistency. Fold in your chives, cheddar and bacon and you are ready to serve. These are fantastic and would make a nice side dish to several different casual meals!!

This one is definitely a winner. My friends have a lower heat tolerance than I do and when asked if they were too hot, my friend Dawn replied, "'s a good hot". Until next time, enjoy and happy cooking!!

Sloppy Buffalo Joes 

2 Tbs. EVOO
2 Lbs. ground chicken or turkey breast
1 Carrot, peeled and chopped or grated
2 Stalks celery, chopped
1 Yellow onion, finely chopped
2 - 3 Cloves garlic, grated
2 Tbs. red wine vinegar
2 Tbs. brown sugar
1 Tbs. Worcestershire sauce
¼ - ⅓ C. hot sauce
1 C. tomato sauce
1 C. chicken stock
8 Good quality burger rolls, toasted
1 C. blue cheese crumbles
2 Large dill pickles, chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat a large skillet with EVOO over medium-high heat. Add meat and break it up with a wooden spoon, cook 5 - 6 minutes. Add in carrots, celery, onion and garlic, season with salt and pepper, cook 7 - 8 minutes more. In a bowl, combine the vinegar, sugar, and Worcestershire, hot sauce, tomato sauce, and stock. Pour into the pan and stir to combine. Simmer a few minutes more. Pile sloppy buffalo filling onto buns and top with blue cheese and chopped pickles.

Mashed Potato Skins

6 Slices bacon
2 Lbs. small Yukon gold potatoes, halved
1 C. buttermilk
¼ C. fresh chives, chopped
½ C. extra-sharp cheddar cheese, yellow or white
Salt and freshly ground black pepper 

 Preheat the oven to 350°.

Arrange the bacon on a sheet pan and bake for 12 - 15 minutes until crisp. Cool and chop.

Put potatoes in a medium sauce pot and cover with cold water. Bring the water to a boil and season with salt. Cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and mash potatoes with buttermilk and season with salt and pepper. Stir in the chives, cheddar and fold in bacon.